Superlative Health

Manual therapy Wellness Consultations Helping you acheive the highest quality of well being



Medical Massage

  Manual Therapy recognizes restriction, restores mobility and thus reduces pain. Incorporating many certified modalities in Medical Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release & Trigger Point Release Therapy, Positional Release Therapy, Strain-Counter-Strain Therapy, Muscular Energy Therapy, Posture Alignment re-training, and Myoskeletal Alignment.

Trigger e-stem, cupping, grounding electrodes, Infrared light therapy and aroma therapy may be included as needed.  As a posture alignment therapist, gait analysis and proper alignment assessment is also included with every appointment. 




Reflexology is a technique used on the feet to stimulate the nerves working within the medians to create circulation throughout the body and organs, unblocking congestion and reducing inflammation.

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Qest4 BioEnergetic Scans $250

As a Certified Meridian Stress Analysis Technician, using the Qest4 we can balance a wide range of issues – the Qest4 library is extensive, testing over 60,000 imbalances. Scans can test everyone, from infants to adults. (even animals, but I do not do this testing at this time….except on my own animals!)

After the scans are run, one or more energetically imprinted solutions are taken by the client so that their body can self-correct. Each set of what we call “imprints,” are taken for 7 weeks, along with other supplements that are deemed necessary. Over time, symptoms begin to shift and resolve. Many people can feel the shift within a few days. All of this is done with body friendly frequencies, and without chemicals, drugs, toxins or side effects. When the current set of imprints has been completed, the next layer of imbalances should be removed with a new round of frequencies.

Testing can be done by scheduling for an in office visit, or if you live too far to travel in for an office visit, the scans can be done Remotely. Simply email me and I will send the info for collecting the samples needed for your scans.

* Contraindicated if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker or implant.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Frequencies are not drugs nor medicine.

Copyright Superlative Health LLC. with Melody Thomas M.H., C.M.T.